Static Mesh Not Firing Collision Event

I am starting to learn Unreal Engine, and am attempting to make a simple flying game. I have looked at both the C++ and Blueprint example for a flying game and based some of my blueprint upon that. The issue I am running into is, when I created my spaceship blueprint, I started off by using a torus, as I didn’t have a model yet. I then wrote the code and everything worked as expected. Now, I am trying to use a simple static mesh I found, and even though it has collision, that event does not seem to fire when running into an object. Additionally, when I changed the static mesh back to a torus, it does not seem to be colliding anymore either. Here is a link to a pastebin of my blueprint:

Let me know if you need any other screenshots to see what is happening.

Thanks for any help!

I tried it with a new mesh and it was working. Not sure what was wrong with the other mesh.

Hi sigi0073,

Does the mesh itself have collision? If so, that may be the cause of your problem. Check to see if the mesh object has a collider, and either remove it or scale it down. I don’t have access to the Engine at the moment so I can’t test anything, but if the problem persists, I’ll see what I can do when I do get to my computer.

Good luck!

Something just came to me, do you have “Generate hit events” turned on for your new meshes collider? Try turning that on if it isn’t and see if that helps.

Hope that works!

Awesome, glad I could help. Good luck with your project!

Thanks! The mesh had a collision, but it seems that Generate hit events was turned off. I must have messed around with that at some point and had changed it back without realizing that was what fixed it. Thanks for your help!