Sound keeps playing after Play has stopped

was running a test with 3 clients on a dedicated server and also debugging a blueprint.

When I stepped thru the breakpoints of the blueprint I was testing it eventually jumped into the player at which point I hit stop to end the test, but the foot steps sound is still playing even though I am back in the editor.

Hi DJMidKnight,

So far I have been unable to reproduce this effect, can you break down a set of detailed reproduction steps so I can better assist you with this issue? Thank you and have a great day!

Hi DJMidKnight,

We have not heard from you in quite some time. I am marking this as answered for tracking purposes. Please let us know if you still need assistance. Thank you!

Hi I did resolve this finally today. if you are blueprint debugging and you step into the Animblueprint during that time it seems to automatically start the play button in the preview. So why I heard the running sound was simply the preview of the ANIMblueprint was playing in the background.