How do I instantiate directional force onto an actor?

I’ve been trying to script a mechanism that would allow the player to push and pull actors in a chosen direction. I noticed that there is no “set velocity” function in the blueprints, only a “get velocity”. There is the option to add a radial force but that is too random. I tried using a similar script to the one in the example levels but was unable to find the “set impulse at target location” or whatever. Any suggestions? Thanks

What kind of actor are you trying to move? Something like a StaticMeshActor should offer you nodes like ‘Add Force’ etc. when you drag and release (to bring up the context sensitive menu) Similarly, if you are doing a trace or using a hit/overlap event to find the component to move, that component should offer functions like this when you bring up the context sensitive menu.

I’m not sure if this stigma is based on an older version of ue4, but as of now there is no such method for actors. Unless StaticMeshActor is something special I’ve not seen yet… The closest I’ve found is AddActorWorldOffset. Perhaps someone needs to add a simple plugin that gives us the missing physics functions, or perhaps adds more variety in actor components that could be easily tuned. Like “ForceDirectional”, “Rope” (add stretchyness and other fancy stuff and let it be based on another actor’s location)