Change Material Parameter with Player Location ?

I want to make a minimap where depending on player position in the world material’s texture changing position. I’ve created parameter in material that must store player location, but i dont know how to acces to it from blueprint. Please help.

You can create an dynamic material instance out of your material and pass data into it, which then influences the material.

In this tutorial you can see how to set parameter from an blueprint. Maybe you’ll just plug it into a Tick or a scheduled function and set whatever parameter you need (eg the X and Y values).

In your case, the “Set Vector Parameter Value” node would be used with a parameter name “PlayerLocation” and an vector as input value.

I made it like this but minimap stays static

you forgot to link the output of “Create dynamic material instance” to the input of “set vector param”.

AFAIK you always have to call “set vector param” whenever you want the material to change. so best to store the dynamic material instance in a variable and then call “set vector param” with this variable on every tick.