FixUp commandlet and Source control (SVN)

When I use the FixUp redirections commandlet and source control together, I noticed some incoherence.

I moved and renamed some files. I then used the Fix up redirections commandlet to fix my folders. This works well even though the procedure feels a bit messy. (Sometimes i need to reload the editor to be able to find all references etc…).

At this point everything is accomplished: folders moved/renamed correctly, all extra useless folders deleted etc… in editor.

Then the problem:
The editor source control system tells me their is nothing to commit.
When I use the source control outside of the editor (personally using SVN tortoise) I need to commit the deletion of a bunch of .uassets which I assume are actually redirectors.

Is this to be considered normal? Am I doing something wrong? Or is this a bug?

Okay wait i’ve been using the in editor, right click command and not the full comand for Fix Up.

Okay, I set up a bat file to run the commandlet outside of the editor. While its running i’m getting alot of “Skipping file: source control says we cant edit the file” why is this?

Hi ShirtyKezRat,

I don’t have much personal experience with Tortoise SVN, as I normally use Perforce, but I have an idea. Did you try checking out these assets before redirecting and then checking them back in? It seems like the error that you’re running into is expecting assets that are checked out which could be giving you an issue.

I got it to work correctly, I disconnected from source control from inside the engine and run the FixUp commandlet from the command line. This seems to have done the job correctly for me removing all redirectors I know of.
I manually committed after that.

I realize today that my post is quite confusing and I am mixing up many issues together. I will attempt to clear things up here.

  • The FixUpRedirectors command in editor does not seem to work correctly for me. It doesn’t remove everything I need it to.

  • When using the FixUpRedirectors command in editor with source control, it the editor does not seem to recognize the fact that it needs to commit deletions.

Anyway I will do everything from outside the editor from now on.