Collision not detected with movecomponent and skeletal mesh

I’ve been working with the TwinStick C++ project. I migrated Owen from example content and changed static mesh to skeletal mesh, and used Owen.

During movement, the call to RootComponent->MoveComponent is not registering a Hit.

I’ve checked the physics object on the mesh and verified that. Unfortunately, I’m still too new at UE to figure out what to do next.


Hi bambitlaw,

The reason this is giving you issues is because Skeletal Mesh Components do not generate collision events of their own in the same way that Static Mesh Components do. To remedy this, you should be able to add a Capsule component as the root component and have the collision be based off that. This is how characters are normally made by default as they use Skeletal Mesh Components.

Hope this helps!

Thanks, that seems to have worked, once I tweaked a couple more settings. Only issue i see now is that if I enable physics, he falls to the ground, but seems to get “suck” and not move when i do that, but collision is not detecting a hit.

In that case, the skeletal mesh is always going to react that way to physics if all bones are simulating. Are you having the entire blueprint simulate physics, including the Capsule component? This would most likely cause the Capsule to be triggering Sweep with the floor, so it won’t move. If you wish to simulate physics on Owen without him falling over, it would be best to pick particular bones in the skeletal mesh to simulate physics so that his legs don’t collapse.

Bambitlaw, can you make some tutorial or write explanation how you made the skeleton mesh bones collisions react to the player object? thanks