Construction script questions


  1. Is it possible to debug constructions scripts by placing breakpoints? It is possible to place them but program execution never breaks.

  2. Why there is no Spawn Actor From Class node in construction script?

  3. Is it possible from regular Event Graph to write logic that gets executed in editor? In other words - is it possible to place script from Construction Script to Event Graph and run it somehow?

thanks in advance :wink:

Why there is no Spawn Actor From Class node in construction script?

Construction script runs on every thing. Move or touch it, it will run. I can only assume, it would lag everything.

I dont think this is the reason. For example, function Add Child Actor, which works almost identical to Spawn Actor From Class is available in construction script so this cant be the reason.

I have answer for first question. This is just limitation of the engine, You cannot debug by placing breakpoints. IMO if breakpoints never trigger, there should not be possibility to place them at all.