Shooter Game demo pause blur

If record a demo and then play that and pause and move the camera over the map then star to get blur over all screen and don’t go out and the controls of the demo don’t have textures or materials like in the 4.8 release screenshot.

Hello again -

I have reported the textures missing from the Demo Playback bar and pause button, for reference UE-16889. The only blur that I am seeing is Motion blur which is expected, can you try to set the following variable when you pause (r.MotionBlurScale 0) and see if the blurring is removed?

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

This when the camera is stop don’t looks like “expected”:

Alexander Paschall say me about the give of points to the bug reports in answerhub why now aren’t points ? Answerhub bug report points - Feedback for Unreal Engine team - Unreal Engine Forums i give points to all Epic Staff.

Ah, no I am not getting blurring like you are showing in your Picture whether in motion or not when I view the demo. Can you give me some more details about your demo itself and what happens in it? Bullet points here are fine. Also Are your downloading a fresh Shooter Game from the Learn Tab or are you Making a Copy of an existing 4.7 Shooter Game?

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

Its the version 4.8 from yesterday and i in the editor using the play as standalone game, then press esc and go to the main menu and play etc and at play a demo recorded yesterday at pause the demo and move with camera the camera star to collect blur.
*Thanks for the points.

I’m using the 780GTX with last drivers 353 in a 120hz screen with windows 7 sp1

News about this ?

Hi -

A fix is currently in testing, but likely will not be ready for sometime.

Eric Ketchum

My apologies. That is what I meant it was reported as UE-17047 and the fix is currently in testing.


But about the blur bug is that catch ?

np ^^ thanks you.

Blur Bug unfixed in 4.10 …

News about this ?

Is this fixed ? in the 4.12 keep broken, at pause the demo and move blur the whole screen…

This should have been fixed for 4.9 as the issue on the Public Tracker has it marked as fixed for that version.


If you are still experiencing this issue please let me know and I can investigate further.


Sorry but no, this keep happening even when the game is packaged and you play the demos and pause and move over the map at least in the 4.12 in editor still happening to me.

I just attempted to reproduce this on my end following the steps in the bug report. I simply created a Third Person BP project, Pressed Simulated, Pressed Pause, and moved around the camera rapidly. I tested in 4.13 for the record.

Have you modified the scene’s Motion Blur within the Post Process volume?


No, I’m talking about the Demo, Demo is not the Play in editor mode, Demo is the Shooter Game files that are generated at record the game, you play then the demo is recorded, at play the demo and pause the demo and move around the blur will come.

This thread is about the Shooter Game Demo is in the title, please…

The bug that was entered was found to reproduce the issue in a Third Person BP project. This is why I took these steps in order to verify the issue was not apparent.

Eric mentioned in his prior post that he was unable to reproduce the issue in the Shooter Game demo using the steps you provided. He then provided the number of UE-17047 which is where I got my steps.

For clarity and sanity could you provide me with clear and simple repro steps so I can get this issue to occur on my end in the most recent full engine release?

I am not sure what you mean by recording the Demo and need some clarification to make sure I can see the issue on my end. I have Shooter Game installed and have launched the Demo in Standalone, but the process of recording and loading the replay is where I need clarification.


Okay listen.

The Shooter Game sample provided by Epic games have a system to record demos (Demo Playback) or demo or can get other names. That record the games in a file that record the location of all components and later you can preview it as an spectator with the time and speed control, in that settings is too the control to pause and move over the map.

Okay you have to create a project using that sample the Shooter Game, then load the map but need to load the map that load the main menu, or you can load the default map but press play in new window not in editor to reach the menu later. When the game is open in a new window and you play, press esc and go to the main menu, in the main menu is something to see the Demo games saves check if you have someone if no, go to play and play some match with the demo option checked to record the match then play a bit and then back to menu in the menu play the demo from the saved ones list, while you play it in the controls you will see in screen go and press pause, now move around over the map you will notice how the camera blur all the time, blur like collecting colors, that is my report, not the other.

Thanks you.

So I do not believe this is a bug, but expected when you pause the replay and with how motion blur is calculated. If you simply enter the console command for Motion Blur the effect can be reduced when the demo replay is paused.

‘r.MotionBlur.Max 0.25’

Motion blur blurs objects based on its motion. The system works by way of a full screen velocity map that is created at a reduced resolution and objects are blurred based on their contribution to this map.

When you pause your replay, which is defaulting to 4x the regular playback speed, and then moving the camera around quickly, those velocities are being stored and this is what you are seeing on the screen. It is also why when you press play, you do not see the motion blur as strongly because those values have been added back to the current frame and the blur takes affect.
