Is there a way to create a first person shooter on a blank default level?

So I’ve started a level in default blank template and now come to realise I want my character to move like a person and I’m not sure of how to do this in easiest way possible. Any help will be greatly apreciated appreciated!

Take a look at first person template. blueprint one is BP only and you can just copy whatever you need.

Basically you create a new character (one of default BP actor classes) which different to a simple pawn already possesses characterMovementComponent. That one handles network, collision, velocity and all that stuff by itself and has quite a bit of customization options. You can then simply call “Add Movement Input” to make your character walk.

But in end I can only highly recommend looking at character blueprint in first person template. If you have any questions about what a node in there does or why it’s done way it is I’ll happily answer that as good as I can :slight_smile:


I tried to do use same blueprints on template and I am unsure of why it still wasn’t working. I couldn’t make it hook up so it would work. do you know why this might be?

I have worked around this and copied my work onto a first person shooter template but id still appreciate your ideas as it would be good to know in future. sorry if this is basics to you also im fairly new to software.

Well I’m not exactly sure what you did.

It’s not only nodes you have to replicate. You also need settings in character. For example camera setup and some stuff in details.

Show me what you tried and I might be able to tell you what you missed.

Easiest way to handle this is to create a new First Person Blueprint project. Inside it, select FirstPersonCharacter, FirstPersonGameMode, FirstPersonHUD, and FirstPersonProjectile Blueprints in Content Browser. Right-click and select Asset Actions > Migrate. Click OK. Navigate to project you want to use them in, and select Content folder, then click OK.

Then you can open your other project, and these Blueprints will be in there. trick to getting them to work is to make sure you have GameMode assigned. In your Project Settings, go to Maps & Modes section. Under Default Modes, set Default GameMode to Blueprint you just migrated over (FirstPersonGameMode).

Hope that helps!


Your answer helped but after migrating files and making changes to GameMode and then dragging FirstPersonChacter onto map. When you click play you see gun in your hand but you cannot move or shoot, he just stands there.

John, go to input mappings in FPS Project and make a note of it. Go back to your project and just replicate as it is, it’ll work. As far as I know, there is no way of just migrating it automatically, you will have to type/edit yourself.

Thank you !!!