Need help setting up Perforce

Hey everyone,

For previous projects I’ve worked on, I have used Tortoise SVN and a remote server for file repository and versioning purposes. Thankfully, I was not the one in charge of setting up those systems.

Now however, I am leading my on team on a game project and the time has come to set up a file repository. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to do this and could really use some help.

I would like to use Perforce. I currently have some Perforce software downloaded, an empty remote server, and an Unreal Engine 4.8 project.

I have looked at some documentation and tutorials, but I’d really love if someone could walk me through the process step-by-step.



If you want to use your own computer for a server, you need to make sure you have a unique IP, there are ways around this.

The best way IMO, for 5$ a month (for starters you can always go bigger) get a 20gb, 1cpu, 512ram droplet dedicated server from digitalOcean and then follow allars guide. He has an auto perforce installer for new droplets literally one command and done. Setting up version control (Perforce) for Unreal Engine 4 using DigitalOcean and Ubuntu (Part 1)

Then all your team-members will need to download the P4V (perforce visual tool) and create a workspace using your droplets IP address and port (1666 stock) and then you and they can connect in UE4 editor using the same IP and credentials as well.

The P4V tool will allow you to make new users but make sure YOUR THE FIRST USER TO LOGIN, it gives the first user to access the depot (the repo) through P4V administrative rights (change acesss limintations, new users etc.)

Hope this helps get you started!

Here is the Ignore file that I am using for our Perforce server.