GrassOutput: GrassTypes max count == 4?

Hello, I try to use LandscapeGrassOutput for procedural placement of static meshes.


There are 4 GrassTypes and masks. It’s work normal.


But when I add Flowers2, everything else disappears.

So what I do wrong? Or problem in GrassOutput?

greetings , having the same issue in 4.9 , after 4 grass types it seems to become bugged only displaying one or two of the grass types.

Tried using only landscape sampler nodes as the input for the grass node.

Tried using only landscape blend nodes as the input for the grass node.

Tried setting the Mask Texture to SharedWrap (thinking it might be sampling the texture for each grass output and hitting the 16 texture sample limit) .

all resulted in the same issue . please let us know if this is hard cap to grass output or if there is a way to work around . Would love to use many “grass” types.

4.10 fixes this issue !

Bugfix: Fixed an issue where landscape grass with more than 5 layers only showed the last layer.

Fix confirmed , tested on landscape with 8 layers