Updating from 4.8 preview 2 to 4.8 caused packaged game not to start


So after updating to the full release of 4.8, I’ve run into the fun issue of my packaged games not starting. They package without any abnormal warnings (same warnings i had with preview 2) but when i got to launch the game it starts up black and instantly shuts off.

The log shows the same info as this screenshot

I honestly am not sure what to do at this point. Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Alright guys, after creating a circle of energy drink around my PC and sacrificing a pizza to the code gods. I found that the game instance i had created in preview 2 was in fact a heretical troublesome area. Needless to say, after smiting it with my mighty delete button, i was able to play my game just fine. So moral of the story is, any problem can be solved with enough caffeine.

i think my answer may have been removed, the fix was to stop using a custom game instance class.