Physics driven static mesh component loses parent ingame

The 4.8 update introduced a weird behavior, at least to my project: Physics driven static mesh components lose their parents and get re-parented to world at runtime. Set relative rotation for example rotates in a world relative fashion and getting parent components returns an empty array. As soon as I turn off “simulate physics” they keep their place in the hierarchy. Is this intentional? I couldn’t find a mention of it in the release notes.

I am experiencing this too, its very easy to reproduce - make a new 3rd person template, and do the following:

  1. enable physics on the character’s mesh component by using “Set All Bodies Below Simulate Physics” with “root” specified as the bone
  2. delay for 3s, so your character has a chance to ragdoll
  3. Turn physics on the mesh back off

You now have a separated mesh and capsule because the mesh has lost its parent (the capsule). This seems like extremely strange behavior - the root bone should still be in the capsule after all.

For reference, if you change “root” to another bone down the tree like “hand_r” the parent will NOT be lost.

Of course, you can repair the situation using “AttachTo”, but is this a bug?