Fixed-Width Fonts not supported by Runtime Fonts.

I have several fixed width fonts I want to use as run-time fonts but as soon as they are imported they stop being fixed width anymore.

This is also the same with offline fonts UNLESS you specify Legacy mode in the import settings. Only then does the fixed-width font remain fixed-width.

Mono MMM 5 Font | This is the exact font I’m using. It’s fixed width in Word etc but not when imported to UE4.

Hey, are you able to provide a example of a font (TTF or OTF) that shows this issue? Thanks.

Comparison shot. UE4 above, Windows font viewer below (minor differences may be due to size or hinting rule variations).

Does that match what you’re seeing?

That wasn’t what I was seeing. When it was being rendered to canvas the characters were bunching up and UCanvas::ClippedStrLen() was reporting different widths for strings with the same number of characters depending upon which characters were being used (! resulting in the smallest strings).

The worst part though is that now I’m trying to reproduce the problem and I can’t. It’s working correctly.

Gah I managed to confuse myself while writing the bug report. It’s offline fonts that don’t support fixed-width unless you enable legacy mode. I’m not sure why I thought it was a problem with run-time fonts now but it’s been a very long day.

Ah, okay :slight_smile:

Since this issue isn’t affecting runtime fonts, and since offline fonts have a workaround, I’m going to accept your final comment as the answer.