Dialogue turorial: new blueprint reference is not compatible with the text rendering actor

Hi guys, I’m flowing this tutorial but in the GetText0 function when i tried to connect the (text Button) variable with the cast to TextrRenderActor function it wont it says that the new blueprint reference is not compatible with the text rendering actor, and by the way in the tutorial ha said :“you need to get the temporary variable holding your array” , but i dont know how please some help ,and i really appreciate that
and by the way im using 4.7.
Tutorial link: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums


I repeated this lesson, but that there was no error. Can you provide screenshot of TextRenderingActor blueprint with My Blueprint tab?

Hi ousaz,

It looks like the problem you are seeing is a difference in cast nodes. Your blueprint that holds the Button Text array needs to be the same name as the cast node you are pulling from. Currently (at least in this image), the blueprint that houses Button Text is New Blueprint, so you will have to cast to New Blueprint to be able to get the Button Text array variable.

Thanks Mr for the answer it works now. from the beginning i named the actor by Newblueprint.
Really thanks Mr for the tutorial and for the answer.