Applying an impulse on debris

I am trying to achieve a realistic destruction on a projectile impact on a destructible mesh. In the FPS example project I successfully placed a destructible mesh that can be destroyed by a projectile.

When a projectile destroys the mesh I would like to be able to shoot a debris chunk to give it the same impulse as i can give to the non-destructible boxes in the level. How can I achieve this?

At the moment it seems chunks ignore all direct impulses, but still can be pushed around indirectly by shooting a non-destructible box in the way of the chunk.

This example project from a fellow developer can be used to quickly observe the default behavior: Dropbox - Error - Simplify your life

Hi Elijen,

While I haven’t been able to push debris around using impulses, I’ve been able to work around it by using a radial force component spawned at the chunk location. By spawning the radial forces as components of the Destructible mesh, they are all destroyed when the Destructible mesh is.

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@MaskedApe thank you for sharing man