Packaged game does not work, crashes on launch

I am trying to package my game, so I click on the “Launch” button and wait a few minutes until it has compiled everything and then it starts, but unfortunately then I only get this error:

I have no idea what it means. All I know is the game runs absolutely fine with “Play in Editor” and also in standalone. Only the packaged version has this problem.
So he can’t access the Baker while the CollisionCylinder of the CapsuleComponent needs to be loaded? What?

This is how the “Baker” blueprint looks:

I only have blueprints in my game, not a single line of c++ code. I don’t use any plugins. And I’m not sure whether I got this Error with 4.7, but I’m like 70% sure I were able to package the game in 4.7 and were able to run it.

I have attached the log [here][3].

Hi John Alcatraz,

I have not located your specific crash in our reporter tool, however, I have located many users experiencing crashes with near identical error messages (all variations on Assertion failed: !HasAnyFlags(RF_NeedLoad|RF_NeedPostLoad) File:D:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++depot+UE4-Releases+4.8\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\UObjectLinker.cpp [Line: 96] Detaching from existing linker for ‘XXXXproject.umap/.uasset’ while object ‘XXXX(typically ArrowComponent)’ needs loaded) and call stack commonalities involving these modules:




FLinkerLoad::`scalar deleting destructor’()

I have reported this crash; for reference, the issue number is UE-15537. I will update this thread when I have more information regarding the status of the crash.

In the meantime, here is another AnswerHub thread wherein a user was experiencing a similar crash, and the staff was able to provide a workaround. Have a look and see if it is of any use to you.


Thanks! Good to know I’m not the only one having this problem, hopefully you will be able to fix this in a 4.8 hotfix.
Also thanks for linking the other thread, but unfortunately I never get the location of a component, so I can’t change anything there… I sometimes do stuff like changing the mesh in a StaticMeshComponent or changing it’s rotation, but I can’t workaround this.

It’s fixed in 4.8.1, thanks!

Hey, that’s great news! Thanks for reporting back that the fix is in.