Is there any way to add a particle trail to the chunks of a destructible mesh?

I am trying to add particle trails to each individual chunk of a destructible mesh. Is this possible?

Thanks in advance,

Hey ,

You’re able to add particle effects to destructible meshes. If you download from our Learn tab our [Content Examples][1], you’ll be able to open up the map called Destructibles and go down to the section 1.6. This is a destruction which includes particle effects, which I believe is what you’re looking for.

If you have any further questions, please reply back and I will be more than happy to assist you further. Have a great day!

Content Examples Sample Project for Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

Hey ,

great, that solved my problem!

Cheers :slight_smile:

You’re welcome. Please let us know if you have any further questions! :slight_smile:

Hey , how did you make the trail for each chunk? Could you please share some detail of your particle setting? Thanks!

So how did you add the trail to each chunk? the 1.6 only describes adding single particle effect to the whole destructible mesh.
what i would like to add is particle effect to every single separate chunk that comes out of the fracture.

Yes please, if anyone can tell me how to add particles, such as smoke to the individual chunks, as they fly away it would be awesome shiney.

You can access the chunks in blueprint by getting the Destructible Actor > Destructible Component (or straight up getting the destructible component if it is a component inside a blueprint already) and getting the socket locations the destructible mesh creates, or even spawning the emitter attached to the socket with that name.

When a destructible mesh is fractured it creates sockets for each chunk, usually labelled “Part00, Part01, Part02, etc”. You can target the destructible component and call 'Get All Socket Names" and loop through those names, then ‘Get Socket Location’ of each name to return the location.

The screenshot attached to this reply shows how the logic would look if you were to spawn an emitter for each socket the Destructible Mesh generates.

Please note that in the example screenshot I am doing the logic from Event Tick, you should not do this as it will spawn an emitter every tick repeatedly. You only need to spawn the emitter attached ONCE and it will follow the chunk wherever it goes.

Saweeeeeet! :smiley:

Hi, all sockets’ location is same as destructible mesh’s povit , How can I get chunk’s size and center with blueprint?

This definitely doesn’t work properly. The socket locations 90% of the time get reported as the pivot of the destructible mesh. The other 10% are randomly all over the place, up in the sky, everywhere except the chunks.

Also, since all the chunk parts become active on the first fracture there’s no obvious way to assign particles to chunks at the moment they separate. Even if you could get them to attach in the correct places they would all spawn at once.

Not good.

Is there a solution to this issue? I’m spawning effects and attaching them, but they use the base pivot

I am wondering to, seems like a lot of people are and I cant find a answer on , perhaps it cant be done ?

Has it been resolved?
you can use ‘Get Closest Point on Collision’ to get the position on specific chunks and attach the effect.

check up this post.