Custom mesh not appearing

I’ve got a simple setup, which looks somewhat as the following: ( Bear in mind that I just started today with Unreal Engine, so the setup is most likely horrible )

I’ve got a class called VFTerrain, like so:

UCLASS(ClassGroup = Rendering)
class ... AVFTerrain : public AActor

	// Cell Mesh List
	TArray<UVFMesh*> m_vCellMesh;

Just to test, I create the class VFMesh like so:

pCell = ConstructObject<UVFMesh>(UVFMesh::StaticClass(), this, "VFTerrainCell");
		// Generate cute plane
		TArray<FProceduralMeshTriangle> Tris;
			FProceduralMeshVertex(FVector(0, 0, 0)), 
			FProceduralMeshVertex(FVector(1, 0, 0)),
			FProceduralMeshVertex(FVector(0, 0, 1))
			FProceduralMeshVertex(FVector(0, 0, 1)),
			FProceduralMeshVertex(FVector(1, 0, 0)),
			FProceduralMeshVertex(FVector(1, 0, 1))

		// Create Testing Geometry

		// Load Sample Material
		pCell->SetMaterial(0, m_pMaterial);

		// Finalization

		// Set the root component
		// RootComponent = (UVFProceduralMeshComponent*)pCell->m_pProducealMesh;

Now VFMesh is a rather simple class:

class ... UVFMesh : public USceneComponent

// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
// >> Constructor
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
// >> Initialize
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
void UVFMesh::Create()
	// Create produceal mesh generator
	m_pProducealMesh = ConstructObject<UVFProceduralMeshComponent>(UVFProceduralMeshComponent::StaticClass(), this, "VFMesh");

// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
// >> Load from geometry
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
bool UVFMesh::CreateFromGeometry(const TArray<FProceduralMeshTriangle>& vTriangles)
	// Clear the previous buffer

	// Set the new triangles
	return m_pProducealMesh->SetProceduralMeshTriangles(vTriangles);

// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
// >> Set the material
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
void UVFMesh::SetMaterial(int iElementIndex, UMaterialInterface *p)
	m_pProducealMesh->SetMaterial(iElementIndex, p);

// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
// >> Finalize mesh
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
void UVFMesh::Finalize()
	// Make sure the world exists


	m_pProducealMesh->SetWorldLocation(FVector(0, 0, 0));
	m_pProducealMesh->SetWorldRotation(FQuat(0, 0, 0, 1));

The m_pProducealMesh is a class gathered from:

Now I debugged through and everything works out fine, and the engine seems to register the component fine ( Meaning no errors nor warnings ). Although there is simply no trace inside the editor that the new custom mesh is being rendered, and I have no clue why.

And why is it that everything is a child to the billboard? The billboard is created as following inside VFTerrain, could it be because as the billboard is set to dissapear ingame all children dissapear too?:

m_pBillboard = ObjectInit.CreateEditorOnlyDefaultSubobject<UBillboardComponent>(this, TEXT("VFTerrain_BillBoard"));

Thank you for your time.

I just learned that the mesh was actually in the scene, but I misjudged the size of the mesh. Apparently a plane with length of 1 standard unit is incredibly small…

To maybe clarify a bit for future readers, 1 unreal unit corresponds to 1 real world centimeter, or about 1/3rd of an inch if you’re using the imperial system.