4.8 ] OSX Packaged Multiplayer Shootout Example does not run


I packaged Multiplayer Shootout Example (for 4.8) on a Windows 7 and executable runs fine. I also did same on iMac with OSX Yosemite 10.10.3. resulting MultiplayerShootout.app does not want to run (nothing happens, for both Development and Shipping Versions). When I try to run it from command-line using open -a MultiplayerShootout.app nothing happens. game did startup once but with player character facing 90 degrees to right. However I can start game on Mac using Launch button in editor.

Another problem is that both Windows and Mac versions leaves a blank screen when leaving game.


Hi markusvdr,

I was just able to package Multiplayer Shootout on mac, and resulting .app ran without a problem. Had you made any changes to project before packaging it? Are you running binary version of 4.8.0, or have you build from source? Have you made any changes to source code?

lack of a Main Menu widget appearing after leaving a game has been reported here:

Hi ,

No I did not change code. I repeated process, deleted directory , from launcher I created project for 4.8, double click to open, then File/Package Project/Mac. I chose directory /Users//Documents/Unreal Projects/MultiplayerShootout/Package, note I created “Package” under project directory. Then tried to run file under Package/MacNoEditor/MultiplayerShoot.app and I assume it closes immediately after opening (there is no crash).

I also tried to package to directory Documents/temp and resulting behaviour is different. app displayed a dialog message:


It seems app is referencing .uproject file?

Is there a way to log what is going on in app?

I can confirm that blank screen is behaviour already reported.


Sorry, using same directory setup still worked for me. I’m looking into what logs we might be able to get from you, and I’ll let you know. In meantime, can you try any other 4.8 sample project and see if same problem occurs?

Hello ,

I found problem. I tried other examples and all produced same behaviour. problem is that xxx.uproject file contained a reference to Substance Plugin, which in my case was installed using Unreal Launcher. When I uninstalled Substance Plugin examples executed correctly as expected. So there are two problems to address, first is that packaging should work with Substance Plugin installed, and second problem is how to log startup problems (this problem failed silently in some cases) in order to identify offending code.

This problem is not critical for me at moment since I can work without Substance Plugin for moment.


Hi markusvdr,

Thanks for additional details! I was able to reproduce this with Substance plugin installed, and I have submitted a bug repot for issue (UE-17267). I’ll let you know when I see any update on it. Thanks again!