Cant' use functions from Vfw.h

Hello mates, after create a Unreal C++ base project, add some .h and .cpp file with VS class wizzard then as title suggest, i can’t use function like AVIFileInit and other similar, even though i have included Vfw.h and put it inside AllowWindowsPlatformTypes.h and HideWindowsPlatformTypes.h. All i got is error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol AVIFileInit referenced.
Basically, all i want to do is experiment in Unreal base on this Various methods for capturing the screen - CodeProject
Any help and tip would be much appreciate, thank you all.

Have tried to put all those code into a separate VS project, then build a static lib, link it to unreal project, all is fine, but when i try to build project, it return me a list of LNK2001 errors, all of them involve function like AVIFileInit, AVIFileExit,…
Here is my error list:
link text