Custom mesh material can not increase

In the operating state generated polygons, I can not give it the material. But the resulting triangle is to it material, emergency, thank you!


Hi 蓝文烨 -

If you open the ProceduralLatheActor.h file and add BlueprintReadWrite to the Uproperty, then you can set the Material from your Blueprints.

class PROCEDURALMESH_API AProceduralLatheActor : public AActor


	// Allow viewing/changing the Material ot the procedural Mesh in editor (if placed in a level at construction)
	UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category=Materials)
	UProceduralMeshComponent* mesh;

	void GenerateLathe(const TArray<FVector>& InPoints, const int InSegments, TArray<FProceduralMeshTriangle>& OutTriangles);

Thank You

Eric Ketchum