Dividing screen space

Say I want to render a top-down view of an RTS in 80% of the vertical space, and below that a panel with something else completelly opaque, how would I do that?

You would add a UI widget to your viewport. You can create the Widget with either Slate or UMG.

Create a widget, add a grid panel that fills the entire widget, add two rows. The first row should be weighted at .8 while the second row should be set to .2. Add an image to the 2nd row and give it background\image to see it take up the space.

Now in either C++ or Blueprints you’ll need to add the widget to your viewport. In blueprints this is easiest to quickly see, in either your Character blueprint or your Level blueprint, add an Event Begin Play node, then a Create Widget node, pick your widget, then a Add to Viewport node.

If you’ve done everything correctly, you should see it displayed on the screen now when you run your game.

Thank you.