How much is packaged project protected?

I mean when you package project it creates Engine folder and project folder where are all assets, .uproject file and other things. Can be files from Packaged Project opened by someone else than creator? For example when someone download the game can he somehow open these files in Unreal editor?

Hey DatnessX,

When you package your project, there aren’t any .uproject files left. You’ve converted the project into an executable file at that point, which can then be played. Here is our [Unreal Engine 4 Documentation][1] for packaging projects.

Let me know if you have any further questions, have a great day!

Packaging Unreal Engine Projects | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

I wouldn’t worry about it too much if I were you, besides; content that you have created/assembled in UE4 pretty much becomes your IP, and reproducing it/copying it for gain is illegal. The packaging process should prevent anyone from accessing any files within the project.

Thanks for answers.