Bool is true AND false on same frame?

This is by far the weirdest thing I’ve ever encountered. My bool values are equaling both true AND false on the same frame, each frame, nonsensically. This here blueprint section:

Yields the [following output.][2] (A little WebM clip.)

Anyone know why?? I’ve tried it with just IsJump (Which, as of right now, is set to true and stays true), the velocity greater than (true while the player is going up in the jump), and both, and I get the same results.

Testing it with the same configuration, work on my end, it seems your characters jump has been changed from its original implementation, I would look into other nodes in your script that could be influencing this


I would right click on the boolean variable, from the popup menu, there is a menu item of “find references”, this will show all the places in the blueprint the variable is being referenced.

In this fashion, you determine why the variable value is flipflopping. Because what is happening is very valid. The variable could be changed 10,000 times per frame, and still be valid processing.

Hope this helps,

If its version 4.12 i got same issue reverted to 4.10 and All was well…

what version is this?