Does dynamic light need a 2nd UV channel?

Does this tutorial apply to dynamic light in ue4?

Hi Loxli,

Dynamic lighting does not need a second UV channel since static lighting is not being used. The benefit of static lighting is that by having a second UV channel the lighting and shadow information can be baked into a lightmap texture to store this information. This can provide a good way of getting performance gains by not having to dynamically light your world or all the objects within your world.

By using stationary lighting you can get the best of both worlds. If you’re using a directional light you get dynamic shadows when you’re camera view is withing the specified range of the mesh and anything out side of that range is using baked static shadows. If you’re using point or spot lights that are stationary, everything in your world that is not static will get dynamic shadows while the rest get baked static shadows. Again, this is a performance gain by not lighting everything dynamically.

But, again, to simply answer your question, dynamic lighting has no need for a second UV for lightmaps.

Thank you!
