I can't create a menu

Hello, I’ve watched a lot of videos on the internet about creating a basic menu but I can’t get it to work. What exactly isn’t working is that I can’t see the buttons or anything that I’ve put on the widget blueprint after I compile, save it and go back to the first screen. In the videos they save it and go to the first screen and click play and the buttons appear but mines don’t. Thanks.

Hello Warma, do you have an event to create and add the widget to viewport? Like a “Event Begin Play” node connected to a “create widget” and this node connected to a “Add to viewport” in Level BP?

I don’t have an option called “Event Begin Play” among the things I can add to the blueprint. How can I fix that?

Problably it’s because you are trying to find it on the widget blueprint. Try to create that node in the Level Blueprint. You can find it in the toolbar>Blueprints>Level blueprint

Thanks! It works now.

You’re welcome! :smiley:

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