Spawn particles around camera

I want to find a proper way to spawn particles only near camera, It would be great if someone explain to me how it can be done properly, maybe there is a way to spawn emitters only near player, though Blueprints?

And there is a problem with it
When players runs, particles moves with him in a strange way, for example if he run it looks like he grab particles with him, and I want to achieve effect when player goes though particles.


Since you did not include a screenshot of your blueprint, I’m not quite sure how you’ve made your particles appear with the camera however, you can use this method to have the particles appear with the camera you’re using. Please keep in mind that I’m on the Third Person Template so the camera may vary in name.

Please let me know if you have any further questions, have a wonderful day! :smiley:

Yes it does the same, particles reacts in the same way as on video:(


Could you please provide me a screenshot of the blueprints and different setups you’ve tried. Have you tried this set up below? There are no blueprints required, simply making the particle system a child of the camera.


This is how I made it in a first place

Still the same result like on video


Have you tried changing the ‘attach to component’ from ‘follow camera’ to perhaps the ‘capsule component’? Would that work better for you?

Another thing that you can do is add particle effects around your world if you don’t want the particle effects to show up all of the time, you just simply want them to be in the background of the environment so the character can run through them.

You may want to look into this [tutorial][1] for additional guidance.



Thanks for the tut, it helped

You’re very welcome. If you have any further questions regarding this topic, do not hesitate to reply back. :slight_smile:

Have a great one!

the tut is private… would love to see it… I’m trying to add a Confetti particle system to appear “everywhere” while I go into a Matinee fly over… so I’d like to somehow pin the particle system over the camera (matinee camera)… I’ve been able to Spawn Emitter Attached but it won’t stay with the camera… I see it, then the camera moves away from it.

Unfortunately, I do not have access to that tutorial. It was one that I found while I was trying to assist . If you aren’t able to get the particle to work correctly with the camera, please create a new AnswerHub post for additional assistance. Make sure that you provide a video or screenshot, perhaps any blueprints you’re using as well.


Hi ,

I’ve a related problem here: [Android] Particle emitter moving with up and down camera movement - FX - Epic Developer Community Forums

Would be great if you could offer any tips as that tutorial link is private and no longer works for me either.