How to make sDetailCategoryTableRow? (Slate)

Hi! How to make sliding tab like on screen below? Cant fint any documentation.


Whent it clicked it sliding down.

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You probably do not want to make an SDetailCategoryTableRow. That widget is something built specifically for the details panel. It does more than just expand and collapse its content.

What you are probably looking for is SExpandableArea. If you search for that widget in the code, you will find examples of it being used. The general usage pattern is something like this:

.BorderImage( FEditorStyle::GetBrush( "ToolBar.Background" ) )
  SNew( STextBlock )
  .Text( NSLOCTEXT("MyWidget","CategoryHeader", "My Awesome Category") )
  // ... Whatever content widgets ...

You will need to include #include "SExpandableArea.h" at the top of your cpp file.

Hope this helps.

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Yes, thanks a lot!