Animation Starter pack newer version?

Basically i downloaded ue 4.8, created a project, imported the animation starter pack and got some “warnings” (equal to errors because the pack is unusable).
AnimStarterPack/UE4_Mannequin/Mesh/SK_Mannequin.uasset’ has been saved with engine version newer than current and therefore can’t be loaded.
Anybody else experiencing this?

Hi there!

This is an issue we are aware of and are looking into fixing right now. When we have a fix for this in, I’ll reply back and let you know. I’m really sorry for the inconvenience, let me know if you have any questions.



Also having similar problem, added new animstarterpack but all i get is “failed to load asset”

I’m also having this issue which didn’t happen with the original blue man set, can’t even open the sample map or anything in the set for that matter.

I’m also having this problem… Hope Unreal get this fixed ASAP!!!

Hi guys!

I just wanted to let you know that we’ve put a fix in for this, this morning. You guys should have the option to update this in your launcher now. If there are any other issues with this please let me know.



Thank You.