Custom blueprint output pin on 4.8?

Hello, before 4.8 I was using the ExpandAsEnum metatag in order to have custom output pins/branches on blueprint functions like this:

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utilities", Meta = (ExpandEnumAsExecs = "Branches"))
void CheckInputType(const FString& input, TEnumAsByte<ESendInputType>& Branches);

The problem:

Since 4.8 I have an error every time I try to pass a TEnumAsByte by reference as shown above. Is there a way around or what is the proper way to have custom output pins?

Thank you

I seem to have resolved this problem now with a little try and error. If anyone is having the same trouble I had here is what I did:

Instead of using TEnumAsByte I just used a regular enum like so (…) ESendInputType& Branches)…
Apparently on 4.8 a TEnum is no longer required and a regular enum can be used, this is great! So if you encounter this problem just replace TEnum’s for regular Enum and they seem to work as output exec pins.