Lightmap channel doesn't work

Hello, I’m struggling with having a proper lightmap on my model for all day, can anyone help me with it?

I did everything as instructed - created to UV channels in 3dsMax, exported them to FBX and imported FBX to UE4.
When I edit mesh and toggle UV display - I also have two channels in place, both the way I made them, no overlapping uv islands, nothing wrong. For lightmap channel all islands are separate and packed with some space between them as needed.

But it doesn’t work at all I still get light leaks all over the corners of the room. I don’t even know what to do, I tried to change Lightmap Index between 0 and 1 and 2, but it doesn’t change much. Can anyone help me please?

Hi StMalk,

Set your Lightmap Resolution in the Lightmap Resolution slot under the static mesh settings tab. the option is just above Lightmap Coordinate Index.

It looks like you’ve set the “Target Lightmap Resolution” to 2048, but that doesn’t SET your lightmap resolution. That just alters the padding between the UV islands.

Also make sure you’re building lighting on Production. Any level below Production can have some leaking since it’s at a lower quality and lower settings to get quicker representation.

There are several examples going over some of these things in the Wiki Lighting and Troubleshooting Guide here: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums