Unable to launch 4.9 on linux, Assert error

Attempting to launch the editor or UnrealFrontend produces this assert message:

LogLinux:Error: appError called: Assertion failed: Assertion failed: PlatformInfo [File:Developer/TargetPlatform/Public/Common\TargetPlatformBase.h] [Line: 241]

SlateViewer works OK. The rest of the log looks normal.

Some more info. The last thing it looks like it did was start a child process with the command:

/usr/bin/mono “/work/unreal/UnrealEngineP4/UE4/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe” -validateplatform -allplatforms

What came back was this:

PlatformValidate: Win32 VALID

PlatformValidate: Win64
PlatformValidate: WinRT INVALID

PlatformValidate: WinRT_ARM INVALID

PlatformValidate: UWP VALID

PlatformValidate: Mac VALID

PlatformValidate: XboxOne INVALID

PlatformValidate: PS4 INVALID

PlatformValidate: IOS VALID

PlatformValidate: Android INVALID

PlatformValidate: HTML5 INVALID

PlatformValidate: Linux VALID

PlatformValidate: AllDesktop INVALID

Not sure if this is normal or not. But it seems it doesn’t know what platform to load.

Please make sure that there’s no files matching -DesktopTargetPlatform are present in Engine/Binaries/Linux. You may also want to check that your JunkManifest.txt file has this change: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/dc59f80fb1e7bf94d1c5769de4d46e3d3dee369d