Unrelated objects appears in thumbnail in editor

(4.8 binary, Win 7 64)

Unrelated objects, always the same, appears on all BP actors thumbs in project. As you can see, there are always those chairs on every thumb:




In fact, I have 2 blueprints with a table and 4 chairs attached as child actors plus those green things attached as child actors to chairs. It seems that those invading objects are 4 chairs from both blueprints, overlapped together. Maybe it’s something related to child actors?

I was able to reproduce it:

  1. Open vanilla 4.8 third person template
  2. Create 3 BP actors based on static mesh actor, name them A, B and C.
  3. Set mesh as something, for example Cube mesh
  4. In B add child actor component and set its class to C, move it on top of B
  5. In A add child actor component and set its class to B, move it on the side of A
  6. Compile, save all, add A to your level.
  7. Now look at some other BP thumbnail, like ThirdPersonCharacter. It should have cubes on it.

A,B,C Blueprints

Update: You can simplify it. I removed A blueprint, saved, reopened and the problem is still here, but now I only have one cube on ThirdPersonCharacter thumb. Seems like the problem appears when you have child actors

Hi scha -

Thank you for your steps. I was able to reproduce this internally and have put in a bug report for this issue, UE-17453 for reference. As we investigate a solution, I will keep you informed here.

Thank You again for your precise steps for reproduction -

Is there any movement on this? My colleague did this to our character blueprint and now there is a dude photobombing every character blueprint I make. It’s driving me crazy.

Hi ZeroParadigm,

This has been fixed internally and has been marked for release in a later build. Please keep an eye on the [Announcements and Releases][1] section of the forums for release notes.
