Store level data in XML format

Hello! I am creating my 3d puzzle game and I need to store levels. I tried to use DataAsset, but I found it very uncomfortable to add new levels. I decided to use XML file to store them because it s quite simple to understand it and add a new level. I found XMLParser tutorials and understood them, but I can`t understand, how can I store this file in game package and access it from my game?
I will be also very pleased if you provide some information about other ways of storing data. Thanks in advance!

That’s a tough one :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Now, I have never done this myself, and it seems like a big task, but I will try to help you anyway

If you want to do it the hard way, I think this is a good place to start looking

In …\Source\Editor\UnrealEd\Private\EditorServer.cpp

bool UEditorEngine::Map_Load(const TCHAR* Str, FOutputDevice& Ar)
  // Line 2291 for version 4.8
  //Load the map normally into a new package
  const FName WorldPackageFName = FName(*LongTempFname);	
  UWorld::WorldTypePreLoadMap.FindOrAdd(WorldPackageFName) = EWorldType::Editor;
  -> WorldPackage = LoadPackage( NULL, *LongTempFname, LoadFlags );	

Slightly easier to create a class that loads the map on GameMode::BeginPlay or something:

#include "Engine/Level.h"

void AFoo::LoadMap(...)
   // Start loading map here

void AFoo::SaveCurrentMap()
   ULevel *Level = GetWorld()->GetCurrentLevel();
   if (!Level)

	for (auto Actor : Level->Actors)
		// Write XML

  // Level also has other things that are worth saving i.e.
// ULevelScriptBlueprint* LevelScriptBlueprint;
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There’s a plugin which fully support XML read/write and table mapping, it can be used in both blueprints and c++. Tiny Xml Integration in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace