Send UDP data

For a VR system I simply need to export the current player position and velocity via UDP.

Does there exist any functions to send generic data via UDP in the unreal engine?

Are you trying to send the server data? or to some other computer?

Here is to the server:


class AFooCharacter : public ACharacter
        // Unrealiable can be changed to Reliable, "guaranteed to arrive regardless of   
        // bandwidth or network errors"
        // const TArray<uint8> &Data can be changed to FVector Location, FVector Velocity
        // or if you replicate the character it will already be available at the server
        UFUNCTION(Server, Unreliable, WithValidation)
        void DataRecv(const TArray<uint8> &Data);


void AFooCharacter::DataRecv_Implementation(const TArray<uint8> &Data)
   // Handle data here

bool AFooCharacter::DataRecv_Validate(const TArray<uint8> &Data)
    // Return false if you want to disconnect player
	return true;

I’m trying to send it to another process which can be on the same computer or another computer on the network, not a game server as in multiplayer.

Simply put I just need export the motion of the player in real time to another process.

Here is a tutorial on how to do that.

I haven’t tried it myself so I don’t know if it works.