Creating Struct leads to errors in project.generated.cpp

During completion of tutorial programming lesson “3. Place A Camera Director In The World”, the latest part of it (“On Your Own!”) I tried to create the struct inside of my CameraDirector.h (as I understood, I must create structs in header files - is it right?):

	struct FCameraData {


			AActor* camera;

			float timeBwtweenCameraChanges;


After trying to compile this I’ve got a lot of errors in myprojectname.generated.cpp:

What can be the origin of this errors? Where I must put my structs to make it work correctly? I found a wiki page about structs, but it is totally missing the part about where the structs must be and can be declared.

■■■■ it, I was so tupid so I has created a struct inside the class body declaration. I just placed sctruct before class body and it was compiled normally lol