SVN with Cloudforge will not connect

4.8 OSX 10.10

LogSourceControl: Attempting “svn info
–xml --non-interactive --trust-server-cert --username User --password ********”
LogSourceControl: Attempting “svn
status --show-updates --verbose --xml
–non-interactive --trust-server-cert --username User --password ********” SourceControl:Error: Error svn: E215004: Authentication failed
and interactive prompting is disabled;
see --force-interactive option
svn: E215004: Unable to connect to a
repository at URL
svn: E215004: No more credentials or
we tried too many times.
Authentication failed
SourceControl:Error: Error Failed to
connect to source control. Check your
settings and connection then try

This does not occur when using Windows to connect to same Cloudforge account.

Also this is not a problem with my own hosted svn server.

Hi Anadin,

Are you still having trouble connecting to Cloudforge with Mac?

Yup, still same with 4.8.2 on OS X 10.10.4

Thanks for your patience. I’m contacting our tools team here to see if they can shed any light on issue, and I’ll let you know when I have more information.

Hi Anadin,

So it sounds like problem is with how Mac security interacts with our version of SVN that we ship with Mac editor. We’ve made some internal changes to allow us to use built-in SVN binaries instead of ones we ship, and that should be out with a future version of engine. We believe this made it into 4.9, but I’m still confirming that. If I discover it won’t be included in 4.9, it should be in 4.10, and I’ll post here to let you know. Thanks for report!