Dedicated server hasn't worked for me since 4.3

Hey all,

I’m able to compile and run a dedicated server (see image here) in any version. however since version 4.3 i’ve been unable to connect to it from external sources. I can connect locally (open, and i can see the connection happening in the server log.

I’m at a bit of a loss as to what to do now. So i’ve uploaded my source code and config to a zip attached to this post, in case anyone wants to take a look. It’s all incredibly basic. I stopped working on my project and started over, wanting to make everything as basic as possible, making sure that there were as few things that could cause problems as i could make it.

This is really beginning to do my head in now. I can’t make any meaningful progress until i can get this working.

Checklist of things i’ve done/am doing:

  • used official documentation to create
    my file.
  • made sure that both the server and
    the editor/game are created using the
    same compile type (development
  • made sure i have my ports open on my
  • make sure my firewall is disabled
    when trying to test.
  • Having a friend run the dedicated
    server and have me connect to them.
  • banged head against wall repeatedly
    trying to think of solution.

Link to the source code: