Physics actor + Overlaps with autoweld = Enter&Exit both Firing

If you create a blueprint, lets say an actor class with a mesh and enable physics on it, then add a box collider (I tried a triger box attached to BP too) that overlaps static meshes collider in anyway and then do OnBeginOverlap(BoxCollider) { doSomething; } and OnEndOverlap(BoxCollider) { doSomethingElse; } when you overlap box with say 1p char it fires both begin and end at same time, and continuously.

Me and a partner spent a day playing with collissions settings, per poly, CCD, async detection, checking to make sure otherActor != staticMesh etc. no cigar.

Physics + Overlaps in 4.8 are completely unusable, or is this intended?

Hi ,

To help us better understand your issue, could you also post some screenshots showing your setup?

Collission box in static mesh near drivers controls which has “floors” for player to walk on (its a boat)

Setup my partner made to show weirdness, fresh.


Both Enter and Exit are firing continuously when character enters it and stop when player exits.

I remove my statement: even if collision box is not touching static meshes collision primitives (made manually in SM editor) they are still both firing.

I will attempt to replicate on a fresh project tonight if I have time however we’ve re-created actor numerous times and nodes etc.

Yeah its using physics on boat, character walks to overlap box and both of these things are firing every tick, boat is moving as well with overlap as a child component to ocean waves. Could it be that if overlap keeps moving with parent boat that it will continuously fire a begin and exit overlap? Even if pawn is already in overlap box?

Fresh project replication instructions.

New 1p template project (4.8 non hotfix)
Take rounded cube mesh and place it in level above ground not overlapping anytihng. Add a box collider and scale it up a bit but have it not touching box mesh (this SM was inheirited cause I created BP from placed SM but you can add a SM to an actor class BP too as we are) and then select collider box and add OnOverlapEnter(PrintString(“Hello”)) and " “Exit(PrintString"GoodBye”))

Enable physics for inherited (or added) static mesh.


Results in HelloGoodbye being continuously printed every tick that im moving.

I tried it with both 4.7 and 4.8 1p meshes.

Take 3: Fresh 4.8 project this time using grey man.

Selected forward right large cube and turned it into a BP. Enabled physics on cube. Added a colllission box as you see in picture. Upon entering box whenever moving it fires both enter and exit overlaps you see. Standing still stops that. Disable physics and it works as intended.

[link text][1]

My partner wanted to post this too:

Avolanty: Yeah its using physics on boat, character walks to overlap box and both of these things are firing every tick, boat is moving as well with overlap as a child component to ocean waves. Could it be that if overlap keeps moving with parent boat that it will continuously fire a begin and exit overlap? Even if pawn is already in overlap box?

I should add that in my replication attempts, trigger boxes turned into blueprints exhibit similar behavior and fact this is happening on two persons engines… we’ll see if its magically changed after engine finishes updating to 4.8.1

Heres one of oher instances I’ve found of this bug.

Heres april 10th even earlier. Same thing we had originallly found out that jumping caused it to work normally once as this report describes also.

Feb 22 using C++ (coded) similar/exact problem.

Another one. This is really intriguing me now.

Just tried in 4.8.1 third person to be extra sure and if I take same setup but take box collider and turn “auto weld” off then they work as intended. Otherwise. Same “issue”.

In my opinion sometihngs not right. They are still parented, but autoweld causes overlap events on any movement to fire both enter and exit… trying first person 4.8.1 now and then im done with it for now.

Well 1p 4.8.1 same thing. Unchecking autoweld under advanced physics settings for box collider thats a child of mesh “fixes” it but I think thats considered a band-aid in my programmming thoughts.

I’ve tried making box collider smaller than and larger tyhan player capsule and mesh and all sorts of other things.

Trired deleting mesh and leaving only capsule on player. I tried increasing position and velocity solver iteration counts.
Heres a of latest check. 1p 4.8.1 setup to show bug.!mlMHGSpI!WLVbgOLHbRv1Ml9hGrZm0sUK1S9hysUAufP0RjgvUXs

Want to bump this up cause its very reproducable and seems to be what I consider a major blueprint fallback.

Hi ,

Thanks report! I was able to reproduce issue in project you provided, and I’ve created a bug report for issue (UE-17865). I’ll let you know when I see an update on it. Thanks!


Just wanted to let you know that this has been fixed internally and should no longer occur in 4.9. Thanks again!

hey, bug still occur in 4.9.2 need to re-fix

Yep, it looks like somewhere between 4.9 and 4.9.1, issue was reopened. I’ll post here again when I see that another fix come through. Thanks!

I am having this issue in 4.16.2

Hi, this issue seems to be in 4.16.2 as well, can you confirm that bug report is re-opened, or should I better write up another report? Thanks!