Is there a way to change a bsp to a collision volume?

According to the UE4 Video at this link, link text Jim Brown said the change the Primitive to an invisible collision volume at 12:37. I know this is a very early UE4 video but is there a way to change a BSP to an invisible collision Volume? I do not think there is but it is worth asking!


Dunno if this is what you are looking for, but it is an invisible wall.

Make a transparent material, apply it to the your additive selected bsp.

This is the only way I found possible also. I was mainly looking to see it there was a way to change it like they do when creating a static mesh from the bsp’s, only changing it to collision instead.

What are you actually trying to do with this invisible wall ? Why does it have to be a bsp. ?

Just using it as collision. Its faster than modeling it when I do the model If I can just drag a BSP out. If I make a house for instance, It takes forever to model the collision to export it with the mesh. With This I could add it after I place the object and save tons of time! I just wish there was contact info so get with the devs and ask them this simple stuff…