How to hide or display enemy health widget on damage

I’ve created an enemy health bar using widgets, and I’m wanting to display it only when that enemy takes damage from my character, and then disappear again a few moments after the damage was taken. I’ve got everything else working correctly, I just can’t figure out the logic to make this happen. Thanks.


Start with it hidden.


Then depends on how you are doing damage. But something like this should work.

Thanks! That looks really similar to something I was trying, but I couldn’t get the “event any damage” node to work. How do you set it up to work?


can you post you cause damage and receive e damage scripts?

P.s. you commented on a question with an answer. keeps answers down if you can. you can convert it.

This is on my character blueprint.
I have a different, more robust receive damage method for my character.

Try this

On apply damage - put print string “Out”, on receive damage - print string - “In”

Think I solved it now. Thanks for the help!