Using UWorld::OverlapSingle/Multi or UWorld::SweepSingle


I would like to use the function UWorld::OverlapSingle and need to rotate the box some how. There is a FQuad Rot argument available to use for a OverlapSingle/Multi or SweepSingle/Multi.
Unfortunately this variable is not described.

  1. If I’m using a Box-Shape I would
    assume that Rot will rotate the box
    around the origin like to apply a
    normal rotation on an Actor.
  2. Using a Capsule I could first define
    the HalfHeight of the Shape and than
    rotate it to make a Capsule looking
    into e.g. X-Axis direction.
  3. Using Rot on a Sphere-Shape should
    take no effect.

Are my assumptions correct or can I see the Trace some how?

Rot works fine in 4.7.

You can visualize how the trace looks doing something like this:

static FName VehicleSweepTest = TEXT("VehicleSweep");

FCollisionQueryParams QueryParams(VehicleSweepTest, false, this);
QueryParams.bTraceAsyncScene = true;

GetWorld()->DebugDrawTraceTag = VehicleSweepTest; //<-- this thing is crucial
