Projectile Overlap not working on walls?

Hi All

Got a projectile that Begin Overlap works on everything but my walls.

I have World Static set it ignore otherwise my Particle Effect sets of the trigger Volume.





Any Ideas

Try Setting Collision Enabled to Collision Enabled in the Collision Presets.


Tried, still no luck.


Even in basic level, no luck, but it works on and other characters


I still get a bit confused with collision presets but, shouldn’t the projectile also overlap WorldStatic? The wall is probably configured as World Static.

But I also see that it ignores Pawns, and since it is working with characters…

You can give a try.


Just put Ignore Pawn, as the fireball is spawned within character. I got another thread to work that out.

World static, I have to ignore that or the Particle system sets of Destroy actor.

World Ignore

World Not Ignore

Is there around this?

Could you try enabling the “WorldStatic” overlap and check after the “Begin Overlap” event if part of your actor / particle system / whatever and ignore it if so?

It’s a bit of a hack but walls just are “WorldStatic” by default and if you ignore that it’s rather hard to get that collision back.


One thing I have, is that the overlap is firing when the game is not running. Just in edit mode.

Event Graph


Could you try enabling the “WorldStatic” overlap and check after the “Begin Overlap” event if part of your actor / particle system / whatever and ignore it if so?

How do I ignore the Particle system Overlap above

Then begin overlap is firing off from the static mesh inside the BP aswell.

Never had that before

You simply check if “other actor” is equal to your particle system.

Also what’s the settings on your particle system? Do they even have a collision?

No longer Particle - Just a mesh ball - Still does not work. Seems odd