Particle not showing in game

When I using particle on Editor it’s works fine but when I press play stanalone game, It’s never showing I tried many ways but it’s not work, Did I missed something? and Do I have to create blueprint to command it ?

Just to check a few things. When in the editor make sure auto-activate is checked, visible is checked, actor hidden in game is unchecked, check the detail mode in LOD and see if it is set to low, make sure render in main pass is checked

if its not one of those it could be a bug that needs to be replicated

Thank you I solve it :smiley:

what was it? having the same issue…

yea same, i migrated an asset over and now not seeing nothing when i run the game, via the play button

duh, make sure ur materials aren’t transparent…

I solved by setting “occlusion bounds method” to none. Warning, with a huge level with many particles isn’t a good idea because the particles will be ever rendered.

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And check “Use Fixed Relative Bounding Box” too.

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