Program can't start because of missing dll

Hello !

I’ve created a C++ project using the Vehicle basic template. I’ve modified the Build.cs so as to link some static library (Poco) against the project with success. Everything OK, works fine I saved everything and closed the editor.

However next time when I wanted to re-open the project from the Launcher it says: “Program can’t start because of PocoFoundation.dll is missing from your system.”

Why it is looking for dlls when I never referenced them. I was linking only against “.lib” static libraries…I’ve never put dlls in the ThirdParty directory, only .h and .lob files. Now, I’m not even able to open the project.

Any help is highly appreciated,
Thanks in advance

Problem found. The dll were in the right place but their butness was different. The project was 64bit and the dlls were 32bit, however it was impossible to deduce from the error message what was the problem…