Project Files Disappeared - anyone else?

I was cleaning up and deleted a My Project folder and some how My Project2 some how dissapperared any one else see this? It had a bunch of migrated content. Ill try to reproduce. I always felt funny about files not going through the recycle bin and now im sure its a foolish omission.

Hi ThomasN,

Are you saying you deleted projects from the launcher or did you delete them through Windows Explorer?

Yep, It happened on last Friday and Ive been scratching my head

Deleted from the launcher and the project I was working on vanished.

Are you still able to access the project in your Windows Explorer?

Its gone - puff! I have an unrelated video file missing as well hopefully, this might have nothing to do with Unreal (scratches head.).

Ok, so I just want to make sure I understand the full extent of what has occured so I can try to reproduce this on my end:

You opened the Epic Games Launcher. On the Library window, you selected the project “My Project” and in the dropdown context menu pressed “delete”. At this point, both “My Project” and “My Project 2” were removed from your computer entirely, including from the \Unreal Projects\ filepath. Not only this, they were not sent to your recycle bin, they were removed entirely from the PC. Is this correct?

Yes that’s what I recall however there was a lot of migrated content. I just tried and was unable to duplicate UE4.8.1 also had a lot of custom uassets copied from other projects and Epic.

logged out

Hi ThomasN,

Do you mean that it occurred because you had logged out or do you have something else that has occurred?

Nope just logged out the PC

Hi ThomasN,

Ok, I just wanted to be certain that you weren’t experiencing a different error. I’m happy to hear that you are no longer experiencing this error. I’m going to mark this as answered for tracking purposes. If this does occur again, please comment back with detailed reproduction steps and I’ll be happy to try to recreate this on my end.


Hey ThomasN , the exact same thing happend to me yesterday. I would not have believed it if there wasn´t someone watching over Skype Screensharing. I worked on my project, fixed up redirectorys ( cleaning up stuff) and created another project over the launcher. After that my other project is gone. I finally got so far to have a game, very alpha but hey it was the best i could have done so far. All gone. I have no idea what happend. There is even no trace of it at all, i tried to recover it with recuva - there is nothing there. Like it never existed in the first place. How is that even remoteley possible ?

I don´t know if this occurs often - seems so strange. I even believed i got hacked because i shared my IP with others to test my multiplayer game - but then why should someone delete my project and only this ?

Epic Games, i believe it can´t be reproduced. And as i said, i would not have believed it if not someone was looking at my desktop and experienced it with me. It was there - it was gone in the next minute. It wasn´t the most complex game but it could have been my first very clean scripted good one so far. Iam feeling unmotivated to recreate it for now.

Old thread but this just happened to me. My main 50 GB project disappeared completely. I backup multiple places so I have one but 8 hours of my work today is gone. Here’s how it went down: I was migrating assets to my main project. I was going to backup but needed some room. I started removing older projects using the Epic Launcher. No where close to my main project which starts with an A. Got enough room, I went to migrate one last asset before backing up and on this migration I noticed my content folder was empty. I cancelled and went to file explorer. Everything was gone except the project name folder and the content folder, ghost town empty. Nothing in my recycle bin or anywhere else. Hopefully this doesn’t happen to you! Backup often, more often and then even more often.