Crash when get data from from pthread

Hi admin,

I have a c++ class which includes a pthread (pthread_create).
This thread will execute the callback format : void (*)(int iSize, int iCode);

At the moment, In a class :
class APPREALKITTEST_API AAppRealKitTestGameMode
I have a public method :
void AAppRealKitTestGameMode::receiveMessageCallback(int iSize, int iCode) {

GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Green, FString(“INFO: %d”, iSize));
//It is always the crash at this line


How can I update the message from pthread to into UI?

Notes : my library is always OK in XCode and android NDK.

Thanks !!!

please help me !!!

If somebody know about this problem, please help me!!!

can everybody help me ?