Error when building from source: UBT Error: Failed to produce item... UE4Editor-NetworkFileSystem.dll

This build keeps failing at the module step 1326 of 1327 in VS2013, using UnrealVS to build Development Editor Win64. This is my first attempt to build from source. I have run GenerateProjectFiles.Bat and Setup.bat. I have run Build.bat manually to get the full error and am including it below. If there is any more information I can give, please let me know!

(Edits stripped out some extra stuff from before and after attempted run)

C:\SurfaceTension\UE4Fork\Engine\Build\BatchFiles>Build.bat Development Win64 UE4Editor
Performing 4 actions (4 in parallel)
[3/4] Link UE4Editor-MetalShaderFormat.dll
[1/4] Link UE4Editor-NetworkFileSystem.dll
[2/4] Link UE4Editor-ShaderFormatOpenGL.dll
   Creating library C:\SurfaceTension\UE4Fork\Engine\Intermediate/Build/Win64\UE4Editor\Development\UE4Editor-NetworkFileSystem.lib and object C:\SurfaceTension\UE4Fork\Engine\Intermediate/Build/Win64\UE4Editor\Development\UE4Editor-NetworkFileSystem.exp
websockets_static.lib(extension-deflate-frame.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol deflate referenced in function lws_extension_callback_deflate_frame
websockets_static.lib(extension-deflate-frame.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol deflateEnd referenced in function lws_extension_callback_deflate_frame
websockets_static.lib(extension-deflate-frame.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol inflate referenced in function lws_extension_callback_deflate_frame
websockets_static.lib(extension-deflate-frame.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol inflateEnd referenced in function lws_extension_callback_deflate_frame
websockets_static.lib(extension-deflate-frame.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol deflateInit2_ referenced in function lws_extension_callback_deflate_frame
websockets_static.lib(extension-deflate-frame.o b j )C r:e aetrirnogr  lLiNbKr2ar0y1 9C:: \uSnurrefsaoclevTeedn seixotne\rUnEa4lF osrykm\bEonlg iinnef\lIantteeIrnmietd2i_a tree/fBeurielndc/eWdi ni6n4 \fUuEn4cEtdiiotno rl\wDse_veexltoepnmseinotn\_UcEa4lEldbiatcokr_-dSehfal da et reCF_roferramatamitenO
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onbGjLe.cetx pC
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 5 unresolved externals
-------- End Detailed Actions Stats -----------------------------------------------------------
ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: C:\SurfaceTension\UE4Fork\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-NetworkFileSystem.dll
Total build time: 13.65 seconds

I’m going to put an answer up here and it as my solution, in case anyone like me find this in search results:

If you are having this problem: The documentation (which is ALL OVER Epic’s various websites, Youtube, etc, seems to be completely wrong, and deals with out of date versions of the editor. This includes top Google search results! The only documentation that worked for me was the text found directly on the UE4 Github account. If you are following documentation that does not refer to Setup.bat, or asks you to download extra packages from somewhere and unzip them into the Engines folder do not do it with 4.8.

I solved my problem by deleting my local clone, redownloading it fresh, and then simply following the actual Github documentation. Hope it helps if you are having the same issue!

Hi Surface Tension,

I’ve taken a look at our documentation and you’re correct. The ‘Installing Dependencies’ section of our official documentation on this process (Downloading Unreal Engine Source Code | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation) is quite out of date.

I’ve made changes to reflect recent versions, mentioning the Setup.bat file and the process in relation to this change. These changes to the documentation should be published sometime before the end of today.

I’m glad you found your own solution and thank you for bringing this to our attention as I’m sure the updated documentation will be very helpful to future users.

Have a nice day,

Dude thank you so muchhh, i spent 12 hours because when i installed the epic games launcher version of the editor it recommended visual studio 2017, Tonight i decided i wanted to try to build this from source, then i found documentation that told me i had to have visual studio 2015, i spent 12 hours literally uninstalling modifying and repairing different versions of Visual studio until i got that working, just to start getting UBT errors because something else was wrong. Nothing i read anywhere helped me at all until i found the link you posted here Mr. Surface tension. You are like the shining ray of truth in a sea of deception. I had to completely re install windows and all my modeling programs and everything because of errors, I finally got it sorted and built from source like 30 minutes after i found this i cannot thank you enough i feel bad not being able to use all the characters for this reply, you would deserve all of them.

Im on 4.15 and you were on 4.8 and you like saved me from the past.