I want object to act like a button or so

hello there, basically what I want is a handle beside a water source, I want the player to push down this handle (not pressing a button), and when this handle is completely pushed down, the water will start coming out of the source.

my question is how to trigger an animation (water run), with a movement of another object (the handle), that is completely collided by the player’s own body.

Best Regards,

your help is appreciated :slight_smile: , what I mean is just like in real life, you interact with the handle, only when you move that handle into “open” status, the water will come out, that’s exactly what I need, is to interact with an object (by moving it in the game), and when it reaches a certain status it’ll trigger something else to run (animation of the water in this example),

I still don’t have any project file for this because I didn’t get the basic idea on how I’ll get started, however, anything that might work I’ll be happy with :slight_smile:

Best Regards,

Hello, I think that you can simply connect the output of the handle animation with the input of the water animation.

Sorry if I didn’t answer well, but I didn’t understand exactly what you want to do, and to answer correctly I would need to know if you are using timeline or matinee and see the blueprint.

Oh! This is pretty simple, you could create a timeline to animate the handle and connect the “Finished” pin to another timeline animating the water.

If you don’t know how to use timelines,here’s a tutorial: